Dog Fouling Action Day

The action day in Blagrave Recreation Park took the form of the rather unpleasant activity of marking all the examples of dog mess found in etc etc using 'doggy' flags or chalk. The idea was to dramatise the extent of the problem to dog owners, and perhaps to shame the irresponsible ones into improving their behaviour (and that of their dogs).

The event created a lot of interest. Local Councillors turned up to tag the mess and even helped to clear it up. Dog training groups turned up to reinforce the fact that it is not the dogs - but the dog owners - who are the real problem. And of course there were a lot of dog owners who said that it wasn't anything to do with them.

However, the action day seemed to be very successful. Far less of the obnoxious doggy biproduct is visible in the area. Dog owners do seem generally to be more responsible. And this is what we hoped to achieve. Your Browser must be able to display images to view this page
